Webinar Talk series on” Life After Lockdown”

Webinar Talk series on” Life After Lockdown”
A Webinar Talk series on” Life After Lockdown” was held on 07th June 2020 Sunday from 06:00 PM to 06:40 PM IST. Mr. Naveen Krishnamurthy Alumnus 2006/ MSc Software Engineering was the speaker of the occasion. Around 25 participants joined the webinar from India, US, Australia, Singapore and across the globe using the Zoom Application. The session was interactive about how to overcome the pandemic after lock down and to excel in the business. The schemes useful for startups was briefly discussed during the interactive Q&A session. Dr.N.R.Alamelu, Patron & Principal felicitated the speaker and inaugurated the Webinar talk series hosted by SREC Alumni Association. Mr.S.Vasanth Kumar, President,SREC AA welcomed the global audience to the webinar talk series. Dr.C.J.Thomas Renald, Secretary, SREC AA thanked the speaker and the audience on the successful occasion of the webinar talk series.