A Webinar Talk Series # 16 titled "Wonder Womens’ World”

A Webinar Talk Series # 16 titled "Wonder Womens’ World”
A Webinar Talk Series # 16 titled "Wonder Womens’ World” was held on 27th September 2020 Sunday from 06.00 PM to 07.45 PM IST. Ms.Veena Ramesh, Alumnus 1998/Computer Science and Engineering and Ms Sri JayanthiKumarraj, Alumnus 1998/Computer Science and Engineering were the guest speakers for the occasion.Around 50 participants joined the webinar across the globe using the WebEX Application. Ms.Sri JayanthiKumarraj shared her wonderful memories along with her experience faced from her college days till now. She also explained how taking a break from career for any medical/personal reasons would not affect their comeback in their career. The working of the organisation “Her second innings" was elaborated by the speaker. Ms.Veena Ramesh explained how she was able to manage her personal life along with developing her career. The participants, with sheer interest and enthusiam, took part in the fun games conducted by Ms. Padmashree Subramanian 2006 ECE / Singapore which made session more interactive and a memorable one. A session of tribute were presented to Dr.SP.BalaSubrahmanyam with lovely songs from our almnus Ms.Kirithika 2005/ECE, Ms.Rama Manjusha 2006, Mr.Sathish 1998.Dr.N.R.Alamelu, Patron & Principal felicitated the speakers of the All women Webinar talk series hosted by SREC Alumni Association. Mr.S.Vasanth Kumar, President, SREC AA welcomed the global audiences to the webinar talk series .Dr.C.J.Thomas Renald, Secretary, SREC AA thanked the guests and the audience for sparing time and thought to make this webinar a grand success during Vote of thanks.