Congratulations!!!!!!!Mr.T.Jeffrin Jose (2000/CSE) - Mars 2020 Helicopter Contributor badge

Congratulations!!!!!!!Mr.T.Jeffrin Jose (2000/CSE) - Mars 2020 Helicopter Contributor badge
We are happy to announce that our alumnus Mr.T.Jeffrin Jose (2000/CSE) got the Mars 2020 Helicopter Contributor badge for playing a vital role in developing the software of Ingenuity on GitHub’s, a non-profitable code hosting platform. He is the only one India to get this badge among the 12000 contributors who have worked on this open source code and his were used by NASA’s jet propulsion laboratory. He is the member of GitHub, a San Francisco based provider of internet hosting which is considered as the largest and most advanced development software package registry in the world. On behalf of SREC Alumni Association We Congratulate Mr.T.Jeffrin Jose for his achievement and we wish him success in his future endeavors.