Webinar Talk Series # 15 titled "An evening walk with us”

Webinar Talk Series # 15 titled "An evening walk with us”
A Webinar Talk Series # 15 titled "An evening walk with us” on 20th September 2020 Sunday from 06.00 PM to 07.45 PM IST. Ms. Poornima Rajendran, Alumnus 2006/Electronics & Communication Engineering and Ms. Vijayalakshmi.S, Alumnus 2006/Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering were the guest speakers for the occasion. Around 40 participants joined the webinar across the globe using the WebEX Application. Ms. Poornima Rajendran shared her memories and interesting techniques in creating long lasting memories. Ms.S.Vijayalakshmi detailed all that is needed before starting a franchise of an well-established business. She also provided the hidden facts about the Jute fibre and its varied products. The participants, with sheer interest and enthusiam, took part in the fun games conducted by Ms. Padmashree Subramanian 2006 ECE / Singapore which made session more interactive and a memorable one. Dr.N.R.Alamelu, Patron & Principal felicitated the speakers of the All women Webinar talk series hosted by SREC Alumni Association. Mr.S.Vasanth Kumar, President, SREC AA welcomed the global audiences to the webinar talk series and thanked the guests and the audience for sparing time and thought to make this webinar a grand success during Vote of thanks