Webinar Talk Series # 54 titled “ கல்லூரி நாட்கள் - College days

Webinar Talk Series # 54 titled “ கல்லூரி நாட்கள் - College days
Webinar Talk Series # 54 titled “ கல்லூரி நாட்கள் - College days " was held on 20th June 2021 Sunday from 06.00 PM to 07.30 PM IST. Dr.S.Sugumaran, Alumnus 1998/Electronics and communication Engineering was the guest speaker of the occasion. Around 70 participants joined the webinar across the globe using the WebEX Application. The Session began with a review on the book titled ” Non bullshit innovation” authored by David Rowan by Mr.BTS Shammer Alumnus 2005/ EEE . Mr.S.Vasanth Kumar, President, SREC AA welcomed the guest and the global audiences to the webinar talk series.The Speaker recalled his four years of college days in his beautiful presentation. Through this session he gave a virtual tour of the early college days 1994-1998. Dr.C.J.Thomas Renald, Secretary SREC AA thanked the guest and the audience for sparing time and thought to make this webinar a grand success during the closing remarks. The session was more interactive and a memorable one with the fun games for kids conducted by Ms. Padmashree Subramanian 2006 ECE / Singapore.