Webinar Talk Series # 59 titled “Role of programming language in Engineering"

Webinar Talk Series # 59 titled “Role of programming language in Engineering"
Webinar Talk Series # 59 titled “Role of programming language in Engineering" was held on 25th July 2021 Sunday from 06.00 PM to 07.30 PM IST. Dr. Rijo Jackson Tom, Alumnus 2009/Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering was the guest speaker for the occasion. Around 70 participants joined the webinar across the globe using the WebEX Application. The Session began with a review on the book titled “48-Hour Start-Up: From Idea to Launch in 1 Weekend” authored by Fraser Doherty by Mr.BTS Shammer Alumnus 2005/ EEE . Mr.S.Vasanth Kumar, President, SREC AA welcomed the guest and the global audiences to the webinar talk series. The Speaker explained the role of programming language in engineering with his journey of life. The session was lively with the interactive questionnaire from the audience. Dr.C.J.Thomas Renald, Secretary SREC AA thanked the guest and the audience for sparing time and thought to make this webinar a grand success during the closing remarks.