Webinar Talk series on” Life After Lockdown”

Webinar Talk series on” Life After Lockdown”
Dear Alumnus, Greetings from SRECAA!!! We are glad to invite you for the Webinar Talk Series on "Life After Lockdown" on 7th June 2020 from 06.00 PM to 06.40 PM IST . Mr.Naveen Krishnamurthy Alumnus 2006/ MSc Software Engineering is the speaker of the occasion. We request the alumni members across the globe and India to join the webinar series using Zoom ID: 297 423 6378 Password: 3p57fE by clicking on this link https://us04web.zoom.us/j/2974236378?pwd=b005TTBLRi9oOFZ5L2hacUVSUFo0dz09 Kindly share the details to your known contacts. Please find the poster attached herewith for your kind Information. Regards, Mr. S.VasanthKumar President–SRECAA Dr. C.J.Thomas Renald Secretary-SRECAA