Webinar talk Series_2- Life after lockdown-An Industrialist perspective

Webinar talk Series_2- Life after lockdown-An Industrialist perspective
Dear Alumnus, Greetings from SRECAA!!! We are glad to invite you for the Webinar Talk Series_2 on "Life After Lockdown – An Industrialist perspective" on 14th June 2020 from 06.00 PM to 06.40 PM IST . Mr.C.K.Kishore Alumnus 2004/ BE Mechanical Engineering is the speaker of the occasion. We request the alumni members across the globe and India to join the webinar series using Zoom ID: 297 423 6378 Password: 3p57fE by clicking on this link https://us04web.zoom.us/j/2974236378?pwd=b005TTBLRi9oOFZ5L2hacUVSUFo0dz09 Kindly share the details to your known contacts. Please find the poster attached herewith for your kind Information. Regards, Mr. S.VasanthKumar President–SRECAA Dr. C.J.Thomas Renald Secretary-SRECAA